New Type of Surgical Robot Used to Remove Throat Tumour 🤖

A new type of surgical robot has been developed to remove throat tumors in a less invasive way than traditional surgery. This exciting new technology allows doctors to safely and precisely operate inside the throat and remove cancerous growths. 👨‍⚕️ In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how this surgical robot works and the benefits it provides to both patients and surgeons.

💊 Overview of Throat Cancer

Throat cancer refers to cancerous tumors that develop in the pharynx (throat) or larynx (voice box). 😷 There are two main types:

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This is the most common throat cancer, accounting for over 90% of cases. It develops from the flat, squamous cells that line the inside of the throat. ⚠️

Risk Factors:

  • 🚬 Smoking and chewing tobacco
  • ⛽️ Alcohol use
  • 🧬 HPV infection


This type starts in the glandular cells of the throat and is less common.

Risk Factors:

  • ⛽️ Alcohol use
  • 🧬 GERD (chronic acid reflux)

Throat cancer often causes painful swallowing, hoarseness, and lumps in the neck. 😣 Early detection and treatment are key to better outcomes.

🤖 How the Surgical Robot Works

The new surgical robot approved for throat tumor removal is the da Vinci Xi System by Intuitive Surgical. 🤖 Here’s an overview of how it works:

  • ✂️ The robot has multiple jointed arms with tiny instruments attached. This includes scissors, needles, cautery tools, and more.
  • 👁️ The surgeon sits at a console station and views 3D, high-definition images from a camera inside the patient’s throat.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ The surgeon controls the robotic arms using hand and foot controls. This translates their movements into precise motions of the tiny instruments.
  • 🔬 The robot filters out any tremors in the surgeon’s hands, allowing for incredibly steady and accurate movements.

🪺 Benefits of the Surgical Robot

This innovative robotic system provides several advantages over traditional throat surgery:

Enhanced Vision 👀

  • The 3D camera provides a highly magnified view inside the throat, allowing the surgeon to clearly distinguish cancerous tissue.

Greater Precision⚙️

  • The robotic instruments have a greater range of motion than the human hand or standard tools. This allows the surgeon to make very precise movements in tight spaces.

Reduced Trauma 🩹

  • The tiny instruments can operate through small incisions in the throat without large external cuts. This results in significantly less pain, scarring, and recovery time for patients.

Shorter Hospital Stay 🏥

  • Patients are able to go home 1-2 days after robotic throat surgery versus 3-5 days with traditional open surgery.

Faster Recovery ⏱️

  • There is less injury to healthy tissue around the tumor, so healing and return to normal swallowing are quicker. Patients can often eat soft foods 1-2 days after the operation.

🧑‍⚕️ Surgeon Benefits

Robotic throat surgery also provides unique benefits to surgeons:

  • 💪 Improved stamina – The comfortable sitting position at the console reduces strain and fatigue during long operations.
  • 🖥️ Immersive experience – The high-definition 3D view gives surgeons a greater sense of depth and control.
  • 🔬 Enhanced capabilities – The robotic instruments augment the surgeon’s natural dexterity and range of motion.
  • 🧠 Shorter learning curve – Surgeons can master the skills needed to safely operate the robot after just a few mentored cases.

🗓️ The Surgical Process

Here is an overview of how robotic throat tumor removal surgery is performed:

1️⃣ Prepping the Robot

  • The surgeon inspects the surgical site through the camera on the robotic arms.
  • Instruments like scissors, needles, and cautery tools are selected and attached.

2️⃣ Accessing the Throat

  • Small incisions are made in the patient’s neck area.
  • The robotic arms are inserted along with the camera.

3️⃣ Locating the Tumor

  • The surgeon carefully inspects the throat anatomy on the 3D screen.
  • The tumor is identified based on images from CT/PET scans done prior.

4️⃣ Removing the Tumor

  • The cancerous tissue is precisely cut away from surrounding structures.
  • Nearby lymph nodes may also be removed and biopsied.

5️⃣ Closing the Incisions

  • Once the tumor is fully resected, the incisions are closed with stitches or surgical glue.
  • A temporary feeding tube may be inserted through the nose.

📊 Robotic Throat Surgery Statistics

Several studies have looked at the outcomes of robotic surgery for throat cancer patients compared to traditional open surgery:

Surgical Approach Robotic Open Surgery
Hospital Stay 1-2 days 3-5 days
Pain Level Mild Moderate-Severe
Scarring Minimal More noticeable
Swallowing Recovery 2-3 days 7-10 days
Positive Margins 4-6% 6-8%

As the data shows, the robotic approach results in shorter hospitalization, less pain, quicker recovery, less scarring, and comparable oncologic outcomes.

📈 The Future of Robotic Surgery

This innovative technology is rapidly transforming throat cancer treatment:

  • 🌎 Use is expanding – In 2021, over 1 million robotic surgeries were performed worldwide. Throat cancer procedures make up a growing subset.
  • ⌚️ Procedures are faster – As surgeons become more experienced, robotic operations can be performed in under 2 hours versus 3-4 hours for open surgery.
  • 🎯 Accuracy is improving – Enhanced 3D imaging and instrumentation allow surgeons to better distinguish cancerous from healthy tissue.
  • 🩺 More applications – Robotic systems are being studied for other head and neck cancers like tongue, mouth, and voice box tumors.

Robotic surgery is providing a cutting-edge, minimally invasive option for treating throat cancer. As the technology continues improving, it promises even better outcomes and experiences for patients.

🏥 Conclusion

The new robotic surgical system for throat tumor removal is transforming this complex cancer operation. Patients experience less pain, faster recovery, and shorter hospital stays compared to traditional open surgery. Surgeons can safely and precisely operate in tight spaces aided by 3D imaging and robotic precision. With expanded use and ongoing advances, this innovative technology aims to make throat cancer surgery even more effective in the years ahead. 🤖👍

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